1.49.0 - Asta7 Core
Bug Fixes:
SQL Fixes:
For AAM-1140 issue need to perform these SQL fixes:
Upload the latest security_module template.update system_template set template_id = '64b0d486-bc51-476b-bab0-9c78221f8422' where name = 'SECURITY_MODULE'; delete from keycloak.user_role_mapping where role_id in (select id from keycloak.keycloak_role where name like 'am|rg|%'); delete from keycloak.keycloak_role where name like 'am|rg|%'; do $$ declare r record; sql varchar; b boolean; begin for r in select id from project where archive_initialized = true and exists (select project_id from project_system_template where project_id = id and template_name = 'SECURITY_MODULE') loop execute format('alter table %s.restriction alter column number_of_years drop not null', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.object_restriction alter column planned_termination_year drop not null', r.id); execute format('drop table if exists %s.content_screening', r.id); execute format('drop table if exists %s.content_access_group', r.id); execute format('create table if not exists %s.content_access_group ( _amid uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null unique, created timestamp, created_by varchar, updated timestamp, updated_by varchar, type varchar not null, id uuid default uuid_generate_v1mc() not null primary key, name varchar(36) not null unique, description varchar )', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.content_access_group owner to "archive-manager"', r.id); execute format('create table if not exists %s.content_screening ( _amid uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null unique, created timestamp, created_by varchar, updated timestamp, updated_by varchar, cag_id uuid not null constraint fk_29d876ad_dd73_4c04_aa9f_8655e43c7a82 references %s.content_access_group deferrable initially deferred, object_id uuid not null, table_name_reference varchar not null, scope varchar not null, field_names varchar(2000), constraint content_screening_pk primary key (object_id, cag_id) )', r.id, r.id); execute format('alter table %s.content_screening owner to "archive-manager"', r.id); execute format('select exists(select from %s.coding_scheme where name = ''security'') and not exists(select from %s.code_table where name = ''contentAccessGroupType'')', r.id, r.id) into b; if b then execute format('insert into %s.code_table(name, cs_name) values(''contentAccessGroupType'', ''security'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('insert into %s.code_table(name, cs_name) values(''contentScreeningScope'', ''security'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('insert into %s.code_value(ct_name, code, value) values(''contentAccessGroupType'', ''NORMAL'', ''Normal'')', r.id); execute format('insert into %s.code_value(ct_name, code, value) values(''contentAccessGroupType'', ''RESTRICTED'', ''Begrenset'')', r.id); execute format('delete from %s.code_value where ct_name = ''contentScreeningScope'' and code = ''100''', r.id); execute format('insert into %s.code_value(_amid, code, ct_name, value, uid) values (''42755dd9-cc42-4559-9afa-ae22727ab506'', ''40'', ''contentScreeningScope'', ''Kan gjøre hva som helst'', ''9ab730d6-1f7d-4dbb-bc17-7290f668f21f'')', r.id); end if; end loop; for r in select id from project where archive_initialized = true and exists (select project_id from project_system_template where project_id = id and template_name = 'PARTICIPANT_MODULE') loop execute format('alter table %s.aktor_struktur add column if not exists startdato varchar null', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_struktur add column if not exists sluttdato varchar null', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.alternativt_navn add column if not exists type varchar null', r.id); end loop; end; $$
curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/*==digital-files
Then reindex all the projects.
For AAM-1147 issue need to perform this SQL fix:
Upload the latest participant_module template.
How to upgrade:
Upload the latest PARTICIPANT_MODULE and SECURITY_MODULE templates
Upgrade to 1.49
Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script
Reindex all the projects search data