1.41.0 - Asta7 Core

1.41.0 - Asta7 Core




Bug fixes:






SQL Fixes:

For adding Tag Module to existing projects

do $$ declare r record; sql varchar; begin for r in select id from project where archive_initialized = true loop execute format('insert into project_system_template values (%L, ''TAG_MODULE'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('create table if not exists %s.tag ( _amid uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null unique, created timestamp, created_by varchar, updated timestamp, updated_by varchar, id uuid default uuid_generate_v1mc() not null primary key, name varchar not null unique, description varchar(1000) )', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.tag owner to "archive-manager"', r.id); execute format('create table if not exists %s.tag_mapping ( _amid uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null unique, created timestamp, created_by varchar, updated timestamp, updated_by varchar, id uuid default uuid_generate_v1mc() not null primary key, tag_id uuid not null constraint fk_3973b8bc_4b40_4beb_8ef6_456539d2c8ef references %s.tag deferrable initially deferred, object_reference uuid not null, table_name_reference varchar not null )', r.id, r.id); execute format('alter table %s.tag_mapping owner to "archive-manager"', r.id); execute format('create index if not exists index_3973b8bc_4b40_4beb_8ef6_456539d2c8ef on %s.tag_mapping (tag_id)', r.id); end loop; end; $$

How to add Tag Module to existing projects

  1. Upgrade to 1.41.0

  2. Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script

3. Reindex all the projects.



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