1.39.0 - Asta 7 Core

1.39.0 - Asta 7 Core






Bug fixes:











SQL Fixes:

  1. AAM-1069: As a project admin I want to shield archive entities in Asta 7 to only give access to the correct users

alter table field add if not exists create_index bool; update field set create_index = false; alter table field alter column create_index set not null; alter table entity_structure add if not exists create_index bool; update entity_structure set create_index = true; alter table entity_structure alter column create_index set not null; do $$ declare r record; ps varchar[] := array ['READ', 'WRITE']; p varchar; role varchar; begin for r in select id FROM project where archive_initialized = true loop execute 'create table if not exists ' || r.id || '.content_access_group ( _amid uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null unique, created timestamp, created_by varchar, updated timestamp, updated_by varchar, security_model_name varchar, id uuid default uuid_generate_v1mc() not null primary key, name varchar(36) not null unique, description varchar )'; execute 'alter table ' || r.id || '.content_access_group owner to "archive-manager"'; execute 'create table if not exists ' || r.id || '.content_screening ( _amid uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null unique, created timestamp, created_by varchar, updated timestamp, updated_by varchar, id uuid default uuid_generate_v1mc() not null primary key, cag_id uuid not null constraint fk_ccb0a488_a9a9_4162_a149_494ab3ce7dd9 references ' || r.id || '.content_access_group deferrable initially deferred, object_id uuid not null, table_name_reference varchar not null, scope varchar not null, level integer not null, parent_screening_id uuid constraint fk_9a653aaa_aa8c_4bf9_a69a_9452f876aa75 references ' || r.id || '.content_screening deferrable initially deferred, field_names varchar(2000) )'; execute 'alter table ' || r.id || '.content_screening owner to "archive-manager"'; execute 'create index if not exists index_b49d524e_8148_43aa_9615_b653e50bb633 on ' || r.id || '.content_screening (object_id)'; end loop; end; $$ do $$ declare r record; ps varchar[] := array ['READ', 'WRITE']; p varchar; role varchar; grp varchar; i int; begin for r in select id FROM project where archive_initialized = true loop foreach p in array ps loop role := format('am|project|%s|CONTENT_SCREENING_%s', r.id, p); execute format('insert into keycloak.keycloak_role values (%L, ''archive-manager'', false, null, %L, ''archive-manager'', null, null) on conflict do nothing', uuid_generate_v4(), role); grp := format('am|project|%s|ADMIN', r.id); execute format('select count(*) from keycloak.keycloak_group where name = %L', grp) into i; if i > 0 then execute format('insert into keycloak.group_role_mapping values ((select id from keycloak.keycloak_role where name = %L), (select id from keycloak.keycloak_group where name = %L)) on conflict do nothing', role, grp); end if; end loop; execute format('select count(*) from %s.coding_scheme where name = %L', r.id, 'security') into i; if i > 0 then execute format('insert into %s.code_table ("_amid", name, cs_name, created) values (''c20f0ff2-8119-4f3a-b350-fe81a44ccb92'', ''contentScreeningScope'', ''security'', now()) on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('INSERT INTO %s.code_value (_amid, code, value, ct_name, uid) VALUES (''347e584a-a9d1-4766-9147-70e307360213'', ''100'', ''Kan ikke gjøre noe'', ''contentScreeningScope'', ''c68170c4-c231-47a6-a57d-a0f05d7a9390'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('INSERT INTO %s.code_value (_amid, code, value, ct_name, uid) VALUES (''5a114ba7-a31a-4a42-aa8b-7d532904ad0f'', ''90'', ''Kan lese felt'', ''contentScreeningScope'', ''d58a5738-a033-4323-8034-620ba3cf3040'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('INSERT INTO %s.code_value (_amid, code, value, ct_name, uid) VALUES (''38b23289-7dcf-4a76-bce5-69a2dde2c910'', ''80'', ''Kan lese'', ''contentScreeningScope'', ''b6b0b2f4-d7cd-4a55-9b5f-66d5f0eef624'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('INSERT INTO %s.code_value (_amid, code, value, ct_name, uid) VALUES (''76677f95-5107-471f-9ba9-6b71d912b204'', ''70'', ''Kan lese felt og skrive felt'', ''contentScreeningScope'', ''c77a1264-2879-482f-84c2-afe2f04d7e11'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('INSERT INTO %s.code_value (_amid, code, value, ct_name, uid) VALUES (''cbef8ba9-44ff-4c99-897f-64f8661e7aaa'', ''60'', ''Kan lese og skrive felt'', ''contentScreeningScope'', ''e2f44a13-55cd-4c84-9fd7-7f53f3e22911'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); execute format('INSERT INTO %s.code_value (_amid, code, value, ct_name, uid) VALUES (''b8d03172-c516-4b89-84dc-1e29313e69c0'', ''50'', ''Kan lese og skrive'', ''contentScreeningScope'', ''a3675c2b-6e66-46cf-af34-e84e23b79aca'') on conflict do nothing', r.id); end if; end loop; end; $$

2. AAM-1078: As an Asta 7 user I want a set of predefined restrictions to select from when setting up a new restriction

update system_template set template_id = 'd10f1600-00db-4733-b4f5-858feb69103f' where name = 'SECURITY_MODULE'; do $$ declare r record; begin for r in select id FROM project where archive_initialized = true loop execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.restriction add column if not exists is_predefined_for_suggestion boolean null'; execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.restriction alter column name type varchar(1000)'; end loop; end; $$

3. AAM-1085: Add startdato & sluttdato on PARTICIPANT_MODULE template AKTOR_RELASJON entity

update system_template set template_id = 'ccff22f4-d532-4d1b-add5-5427d1044e09' where name = 'PARTICIPANT_MODULE'; do $$ declare r record; begin for r in select id FROM project where archive_initialized = true loop execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.aktor_relasjon add column if not exists startdato varchar null'; execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.aktor_relasjon add column if not exists sluttdato varchar null'; execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.aktor_relasjon drop column if exists object_reference'; end loop; end; $$

4. AAM-1074: DROP CONSTRAINT PKEY error during import when using two child entities with generated PK's in template

How to Upgrade

  1. Upload the latest SECURITY_MODULE and PARTICIPANT_MODULE templates in your current version (most likely 1.38) of Asta7.

  2. Upgrade to 1.39.1

  3. Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script (NB: Script written for old docker compose syntax: “docker-compose”, not “docker compose”). For large archives, you might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction in postgres (64 by default). Use ALTER SYSTEM set max_locks_per_transaction = 512

After Asta7 is up and running import an empty file in all the initialized projects. You should also delete the old SECURITY_MODULE and PARTICIPANT_MODULE templates.

How to Run SQL Fixes Manually

  1. Copy the SQL fixes to a file, let’s assume the file name is upgrade.sql.

  2. Copy the upgrade.sql file to the Postgres container

  3. Run the upgrade.sql file using the Postgres shell, with the default credentials the command would be






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