1.52.0 - Asta7 Core




SQL Fixes:

Quite a few changes have been made to the PARTICIPANT_MODULE template. Upload the latest template then run the following fixes

update system_template set template_id = '9b60e6ca-3a7d-40fc-81ab-b3ac15d761b2' where name = 'PARTICIPANT_MODULE'; do $$ declare r record; begin for r in select id from project where archive_initialized = true and exists (select project_id from project_system_template where project_id = id and template_name = 'PARTICIPANT_MODULE') loop execute format('alter table %s.aktor add if not exists presisjon varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_fil add if not exists referansefilnavn varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_fil add if not exists status varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_fil add if not exists beskrivelse varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_url add if not exists status varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_relasjon add if not exists presisjon varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_relasjon add if not exists merknad varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_struktur add if not exists presisjon varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor_struktur add if not exists merknad varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor drop column if exists asta5id', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.aktor rename column urn to asta5urn', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.alternativt_navn rename column alternativtnavn to navn', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.alternativt_navn rename column navnperiodestart to startdato', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.alternativt_navn rename column navnperiodeslutt to sluttdato', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.alternativt_navn add if not exists presisjon varchar', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.alternativt_navn add if not exists offisielt bool', r.id); execute format('alter table %s.alternativt_navn drop column if exists type', r.id); end loop; end; $$

How to upgrade:

  1. Upgrade to 1.52

  2. Run and Upload the latest PARTICIPANT_MODULE template

  3. Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script

4. Delete the old PARTICIPANT_MODULE template
5. Reindex all the projects to index the restrictions
