ENV List of Asta 7
ENV | Current/Default Value | Description |
ELASTICSEARCH_VERSION | 8.13.4 | The version of the Elasticsearch docker image being used |
POSTGRES_VERSION | 15.1 | The version of the Postgres DB docker image being used |
POSTGRES_LANG | nb_NO | The locale for the Postgres DB |
MONGO_VERSION | 6.0.8 | The version of the Mongo DB docker image being used |
TIKA_VERSION | | The version of the Apache Tika docker image being used |
AM_ACTIVEMQ_VERSION | 3.0.5 | The version of the Apache ActiveMQ docker image being used |
KEYCLOAK_VERSION | 22.3 | The version of the Keycloak docker image being used |
| Client secret of the Keycloak |
AM_IMPORT_FOLDER_ENABLED | true | Whether to enable hot folder import |
HOST_IMPORT_FOLDER | am-import-folder | Hot folder import path, relative to the Asta7 directory |
HOST_EXPORT_FOLDER | am-export-folder | Export folder path, relative to the Asta7 director |
ASTA7_VERSION | 1.73.0 | Asta7 docker image version for all modules |
ASTA7_URL | http://localhost | URL of the Asta7 instance (Ex: https://prototype.stiftelsen-asta.no) |
SYNDICATION_URL | https://try.syndication.arkivportalen.no | URL for portal publishing |
| URL of the repository module (Ex: https://prototype.stiftelsen-asta.no/repository/ ) |
| URL of the requisition module (Ex: https://prototype.stiftelsen-asta.no/requisition/) |
| Client secret of the Keycloak |
| Client secret of the Keycloak |
| Client secret of the Keycloak |
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME | asta7 | Docker-Compose project name |
| Docker-Compose profile names |
PORTAL_REQUISITION_ENABLED | false | Whether to enable portal requisition |
| URL of the SYNQ server |
DEFAULT_LOCALE | nb | Asta7 default locale |
DEFAULT_TIMEZONE | Europe/Oslo | Asta7 default timezone |
AZURE_BLOB_ENABLED | false | Whether to use Azure storage account for file storage instead of MongoDB |
AZURE_BLOB_ENDPOINT | http://azurite:10000/devstoreaccount1/ | Azure storage account endpoint |
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME | devstoreaccount1 | Azure storage account name |
| Azure storage account key |
ASTA7_DB_POOL_SIZE | 20 | Postgres DB connection pool size for Asta7 |
DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT | 2min | Postgres DB default read timeout |
DEFAULT_SIMPLE_READ_TIMEOUT | 20s | Postgres DB default read timeout for simple statements |
DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIMEOUT | 20min | Postgres DB default update timeout |
DEFAULT_SIMPLE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT | 20s | Postgres DB default update timeout for simple statements |
DEFAULT_ASYNC_CORE_POOL_SIZE | 4 | Default thread pool core size |
DEFAULT_ASYNC_MAX_POOL_SIZE | 4 | Default thread pool maximum size |
DEFAULT_ASYNC_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | 2147483647 | Default thread pool maximum queue size |
WRITE_ASYNC_CORE_POOL_SIZE | 2 | Write thread pool core size |
WRITE_ASYNC_MAX_POOL_SIZE | 2 | Write thread pool maximum size |
WRITE_ASYNC_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | 500 | Default thread pool maximum queue size |
READ_ASYNC_CORE_POOL_SIZE | 2 | Read thread pool core size |
READ_ASYNC_MAX_POOL_SIZE | 2 | Read thread pool maximum size |
READ_ASYNC_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | 500 | Read thread pool maximum queue size |
DNS_RESOLVER | | DNS resolver used by the Asta7 client (For Kubernetes) |
REPOSITORY_CLIENT_TARGET | http://arp-client | Repository client proxy host used by the Asta7 client (For Kubernetes) |
REQUISITION_CLIENT_TARGET | http://arq-client | Requisition client proxy host used by the Asta7 client (For Kubernetes) |
REQUISITION_BACKEND_TARGET | http://arq-backend:8080 | Requisition backend proxy host used by the Asta7 client (For Kubernetes) |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | archive-manager | PostgresDB password |
MONGO_PASSWORD | archive-manager | MongoDB password |
MONGO_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD | admin | MongoDB root user password |
ELASTIC_PASSWORD | asta-elastic | Elasticsearch password |
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD | am | Keycloak admin user password |
DEFAULT_WEB_CLIENT_TIMEOUT | 300 seconds / 5 minutes | Default request timeout web clients |
DEFAULT_WEB_CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE | 5MB | Default request buffer size for web clients |
ESSYNC_WEB_CLIENT_TIMEOUT | 3600 seconds / 1 hour | Request timeout for essync web client |
ESSYNC_WEB_CLIENT_BUFFER_SIZE | 50MB | Request buffer size for essync web client |
PORTAL_WEB_CLIENT_TIMEOUT | 300 seconds / 5 minutes | Request timeout for portal web client |