Creating a project

Creating a project

Getting started

Open the application at http://localhost:10300. This will redirect to the login page.

Use the following credentials:

username: sys_admin

password: am

Access the administration panel

In Archive Manager projects are located within the administration site. To get there click the apps menu in the top right and click administration.

Here you will meet the administration sites. Where you from the top menu can go to templates, projects and organizations.

This link will take you to the administration site which looks like the figure below. From here you can access the Template, Project, and Organization modules by clicking on the respective buttons at the top, on the condition that you are logged in as sys_admin or you are running the application without authorization configured.

Creating an organization

Organizations are hierarchically above projects in the structures, and owns projects. So to create a project we are required to have an organization to put it under. To create and organization go to organization in the top menu. Here click on “Lag ny organisasjon”. Then fill out a desired organization name like “Test”. Then click “OK” or hit enter. Now your new organization should appear underneath “Lag ny organisasjon” as shown below.




Importing a template

The second ingredient we need to create a project is a template. Templates defines the projects data structure. Templates can be created from scratch or imported. For this guide we will import a complete template from the example files.


Navigate to template module via the top menu. In this module, click on “LAST OPP TEMPLATE” and a dialog opens to your filesystem. Navigate to where you unpackaged the templates from https://stiftelsenasta.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ASTA6/pages/845053954 and pick the template with name NOARK5_template.xml and open it. The file is now imported and you will be redirected to the template editor. Template editor has its own tutorial and we will not get into it here. Navigate back to template in the top menu bar. You will now see one template with the name Noark5.




Creating the project

With an organization and a template we can now create a project! Go to project in the top menu bar. Here you can click on the button “LAG NYTT PROSJEKT”. A dialog will open where you can start by filling out the project name. Identificator will automatically be filled out and description is optional.



Then pick the template you imported and the organization you created.



Finally click 'ok' and the project will be created. This action will take a little while to complete before the dialog closes. You should now see your project in the project page as shown below.

Importing data into a project

From the projects page open your newly created project by clicking it. You should be taken to the overview page for the project. On the left hand menu click on the option “Importer data” to go to the import data page.

Here you can upload xml files containing the archive. Either as flat xml files or xml trees. For this project we will upload the test file in the zip arkiv.zip. First unpack the zip file, on most systems this can be done by double clicking the arkiv.zip file. When you have unpacked the zip file, click “LAST OPP FILER” and on the dialog pick arkivstruktur.xml from the unpacked ‘arkiv' folder and press ‘open’/'åpne’. The file will now show up in the list.

You can now mark the file we uploaded and import it as an XML tree, with the button “IMPORTER XML TREE”. This action will start an import job, which will be added to our notifications. By clicking the notification we can follow the log of the import job.

Not long after the import is done the log will state “Import completed”. Indexing for search will start when the import is done, and will take around the same time as the import.

Importing digital files into a project

Now the archive data is added to the project. Let's finish the setup by adding some digital files! Go back to the project page from the top menu bar, then click on the project we just imported data into. In the left hand menu open “Digitale filer”.

Here we can see all digital files in this project, none at the moment. To upload new ones from the test data click on “LAST OPP”, then “Mappe”. Navigate to the test data and select the folder “dokumenter” and upload. In some browsers you will get a warning like below, accept this.

The upload will now begin, and a progress will be shown. When done, all files are attached to the project.



Project is ready

The project is now ready with data and digital files and can be explored from “Innsyn”. More about that can be found here https://stiftelsenasta.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ASTA6/pages/847872016 .

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