- AAM-1069Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1078Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1085Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1048Getting issue details... STATUS
Bug fixes:
- AAM-1074Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1069Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1078Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1085Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1048Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1075Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1083Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1071Getting issue details... STATUS
Breaking Changes:
Upload the latest
template. Then run the 2nd step of SQL Fixes. Delete the oldSECURITY_MODULE
template.Upload the latest
template. Then run the 3rd step of SQL Fixes. Delete the oldPARTICIPANT_MODULE
template.Run the 4th step of SQL Fixes stored procedure. Then import an empty file in all the initialized projects.
Restart gui-server
SQL Fixes:
AAM-1069: As a project admin I want to shield archive entities in Asta 7 to only give access to the correct users
alter table field add create_index bool; update field set create_index = false; alter table field alter column create_index set not null; alter table entity_structure add create_index bool; update entity_structure set create_index = true; alter table entity_structure alter column create_index set not null;
2. AAM-1078: As an Asta 7 user I want a set of predefined restrictions to select from when setting up a new restriction
update system_template set template_id = 'd10f1600-00db-4733-b4f5-858feb69103f' where name = 'SECURITY_MODULE'; do $$ declare r record; begin for r in select id FROM project where archive_initialized = true loop execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.restriction add column if not exists is_predefined_for_suggestion boolean null'; execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.restriction alter column name type varchar(1000)'; end loop; end; $$
3. AAM-1085: Add startdato & sluttdato on PARTICIPANT_MODULE template AKTOR_RELASJON entity
update system_template set template_id = 'ccff22f4-d532-4d1b-add5-5427d1044e09' where name = 'PARTICIPANT_MODULE'; do $$ declare r record; begin for r in select id FROM project where archive_initialized = true loop execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.aktor_relasjon add column if not exists startdato varchar null'; execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.aktor_relasjon add column if not exists sluttdato varchar null'; execute 'alter table if exists ' || r.id || '.aktor_relasjon drop column if exists object_reference'; end loop; end; $$
4. AAM-1074: DROP CONSTRAINT PKEY error during import when using two child entities with generated PK's in template
do $$ declare r record; sql varchar; begin for r in SELECT tc.table_schema, tc.constraint_name, tc.table_name, kcu.column_name, ccu.table_schema AS foreign_table_schema, ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name AND tc.table_schema = kcu.table_schema JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name AND ccu.table_schema = tc.table_schema WHERE tc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' and tc.table_schema in (select id from project where archive_initialized = true) loop sql := 'alter table ' || r.table_schema || '.' || r.table_name ||' drop constraint if exists '|| r.constraint_name; -- raise notice '%', sql; execute sql; end loop; for r in select schemaname, tablename, indexname from pg_indexes where schemaname in (select id from project where archive_initialized = true) and indexname like 'index%' loop sql := 'drop index if exists ' || r.schemaname || '.' || r.indexname; execute sql; -- raise notice '%', sql; end loop; end; $$;