Search Examples

Free Text Search


The free text searches work with the ES simple query string syntax. Here are the key points of the syntax.

+ signifies AND operation

By default, it does an OR query on all the words/tokens provided. To do an AND query instead put a + between the words. For example, to search for items matching both store and norske the query can be store + norske.

| signifies OR operation

To search for something both using AND and OR queries + and | both operators can be used. For example, to search for items having den AND norsk OR store AND norsk the query can be den | store + norsk.

- negates a single token

To search for something excluding one or multiple words/tokens this operator can be put in front of that word/token. For example, to search for items having den AND store but NOT norsk the query can be den | store - norsk.

" wraps a number of tokens to signify a phrase for searching

To group some words/tokens to signify a phrase those words/tokens can be surrounded with double quotes ". For example, to search for items having den store the query can be "den store".

* at the end of a term signifies a prefix query

For example, to match all the items having words that start with norsk the query can be norsk*.

( and ) signify precedence

Operators can be grouped using brackets to control their precedence. For example, search for items having den AND store OR norsk the query can be den + (store | norsk).

~N after a word signifies edit distance (fuzziness)

When the exact word is not known this operator can be used so ES can guess the word with the provided edit distance. For example, if sto~2 is provided it will try to create/edit/replace 2 characters of sto to make some words (store, test, etc.) and match.

Complex Example

Find items having den AND norsk (prefix) OR sto (with edit distance 2) AND not having norsk (prefix) OR the phrase den norsk. The query can be as follows

(den + norsk*) | (sto~2 + -norsk*) | "den norsk"

Basic Search


File Search


Member File Search



Advanced Search

Example 1


Where navn contains Oslo AND Bunnmateriale is Elfenben AND (Fysusk tilstand is God OR Fargebilde is yes).

Example 2


Where (Innhold has the word oslo AND Type is Dokument) OR (Innhold has the word burgen AND Type is Dokument), sort the result with identifikator and then the search score.

Example 3


Where Identifikator starts with PA- AND Arkivskaper (Aktør) navn has the word norsk AND (Alternativt navn has Oslo OR Burgen) AND (Språk has English OR Lagringsmedium has Glass).

File Search Example
