Table of Contents |
The following requirements has to be met
Hardware requirements
Memory: At least 8 GB recommended
Only requirement is it has to be of x86-64 architecture. But shouldShould be a modern processor with multiple cores
DISK: At least 30 GB for the base and the rest depends on the volume of your data. The rough estimate is that it will take about 2 GB of disk space for every million of archive units. So if there is 2 millions of data then 30 + (2 * 2) = 34 GB should be enough
Note |
It is highly recommended to install Elasticsearh on a separate machine. For detail info about Elasticsearh hardware requirements see https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/hardware.html |
OS requirements
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
and later
Microsoft Windows 7
and later
Install Java
If not already installed need to download and install a Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE). Java 8 is neede.
Asta requirements
At least Asta v5.4.3 is required.
Download the installer from https://asta-online.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/installer_win
Install Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch v7.10 can be installed either from a .zip package or using a .msi installer.
by following https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/
It is recommended to install and run elasticsearch as a service.
If you have not used the GUI installer or forgot to set the cluster name correctly, then you
Now we need to change the elasticsearch cluster name. For doing that open open /path/to/elasticsearch/config/folder/elasticsearch.yml and change the following
Uncomment cluster.name and set it to astaonline
Code Block |
cluster.name: astaonline |
MongoDB can be installed by following https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/. It is recommended to install and run mongodb as a service.
After installing we need to initiate the mongodb replica set, for doing that
- Open C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongod.cfg and add the following
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
replSetName: rs0 |
- Restart MongoDB service
- Run the mongo shell C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongo.exe
- Invoke the command rs.initiate() in mongo shell
Install ASTA Online
Run the installer then just follow the instructions
Provide the necessary application properties/configurations in the installer. If desired those can be provided later,
open the path_to_application_directory\
application.properties, and change to the appropriate values. Like
Code Block |
title | C:\Program Files\AstaOnline\application-prod.properties |
asta.origin=http://localhost: |
8088 asta.institute.id=asta asta.service.requisition.enabled=true oracle.host=localhost oracle.port=1521 oracle.service=xe oracle.username=nyeasta oracle. |
password=nyeasta oracle.logMiner.service=xe oracle.logMiner.username=aominer oracle.logMiner.password=aominer es.host=localhost |
server.ssl.key-alias= |
The installer will install Asta the ASTA Online application and Asta Online Syncing application as servicesas a service. After finishing the installation start those the services from Windows Services.
Open httpOpen http://your_server_host:9090 in the browser to start using ASTA Online.
Export to Elasticsearch
Although not necessary but it is recommended to stop the aosync application while doing this. Then invoke
- C:\Program Files\AstaOnline\aosync.bat export
After the export is finished start the aosync application again if you have stopped it.
Note |
Depending on the amount of data this process may take several hours to complete. It may also hamper the performance of ASTA Online as well as ASTA Engine/Client. |
In Case of Externalized Elasticsearch
If the elasticsearch is not in localhost we need to update the application properties file accordingly.
Add the following entries in C:\Program Files\AstaOnline\a
title | C:\Program Files\AstaOnline\application-prod.properties |
Upgrade ASTA Online
Same as installing.
Uninstall ASTA Online
The application can be uninstalled from the control panel like any other windows application.
Necessary Ports
9090 for accessing AstaOnline (can be changed by server.port property)