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Login (demo)

To open Asta 7 go to the web address provided by your system administrator or use our demo to explore the system at the address You can log in using your credentials.

Main Menu

  • The logo, clicking this will focus the Home tab

  • Search icon, clicking this will open the Search tab, has a context menu with the option to open another search tab

  • Folder icon, clicking this will show/hide the Project and Content tree

  • Menu icon, clicking this will show a submenu containing links to the Admin client and the User Guide

  • Gear icon, clicking this will open the Preference tab

  • Logout icon, clicking this will log out and take you to the login page


Tabs that were open in the last session are reopened when a user logs in to Asta 7. This is how you can continue working where you left off. If no tabs were open or this is your first time logging in, you will be taken to Home. This tab will always be available and is accessible by pressing the Asta symbol in the menu on the left or by pressing the first tab.

Home shows projects you have recently worked on, as well as a button for creating a new project. Efforts are being made to make Home a good starting point for further work when you open Asta 7.

Project and Content Tree

Once logged in, you can see the main menu on the left. The folder symbol takes you to the project and content tree.

The tree on the left shows all the initialized projects in the system as roots. Pressing the name of a project opens the Project Landing tab with information about the project. Click the arrow to the left of the project name to see the underlying archive units.

You can search for the archives or top-level archive units in the tree. Type your query in the search box on top of the tree and press Return/Enter or click the search icon button. It will search within all the projects and show the matched archive units. The search uses the fields chosen in Title Field preference. You can clear the query and press Return/Enter or click the search icon button again to clear the search.

Open project and archive units

When you have found a project or archive unit in the tree that you want to open, you can click on it to open. In the case of project the Project Landing tab and in the case of archive units the Content Detail tab opens in the current tab. It is possible to select Open in new tab from the context menu to keep the tabs already open.

Pin/Unpin projects

You can pin projects that we work with frequently so that you can find them easily. Pinned projects will appear on top of the tree with a bold title. Select Pin archive from the context menu for pinning.

Pinned projects will have the option to uppin them.

Edit project and archive units

You can select the Edit option from the context menu to open the Edit Dialog for a project or the Content Edit tab for an archive unit.

Delete project

Project/root nodes in the tree will have a Delete option in the context menu.

Clicking this will open the delete confirmation dialog.

Export separator sheets

You can export the separator sheet PDF from the context menu as well. There are three option for exporting

  1. This item, exports only the current archive unit

  2. Including all siblings, export the current archive unit and all its siblings

  3. Including ENTITY_NAME siblings, exports the current archive unit and the siblings of the same entity

Create archive units

In the context menu of a node in the tree, you have the option to create archive units for all possible entity types. Clicking them will open the Content Create tab.

Project Landing tab

On the landing page for a project, you get a quick overview of the project. Currently, the following information is available

  • A short description of the project

  • Statistics on how many registrations you have per entity type

  • List of the digital files with the option to Download or Delete them. It is also possible to Upload new files from here

  • List of changelogs if enabled

In the longer term, the page will display the desired information about the project for necessary reporting. 


Admin users will get the button to export a project. Clicking the button will open a dialog where you can choose the things you want to export. The following things are available for export

  • System table, an XML file containing the project metadata

  • Content, XML files containing all the archive units

  • Template, an XML file containing the template and entities

  • Preferences, JSON files containing the preferences

Import preference

Admin users will also get the button to import preference. Clicking this button will open the import preference dialog. You can choose to import the preference from a previously exported file or from a template.


To open the search tab, press the search button from the main menu. It is possible to open multiple search tabs by selecting Open in new tab from the search button context menu.

Enter the query text in the search box and press Return/Enter or click the search icon button. The search result comes directly below the search field and you can now tap on a match to open it in the Content Detail tab.

You will also get some filtering options on the left side of the search result. Currently is possible to filter using projects and entities. 

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