- AAM-1123Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1123Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1126Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1134Getting issue details... STATUS
SQL Fixes:
For AAM-1123
CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS ltree; do $$ declare r record; begin for r in select id FROM project where archive_initialized = true loop execute 'create table if not exists ' || r.id || '.am_ancestor_tree ( amids ltree, entity_names ltree, amid uuid, entity text );'; execute 'create index index_ancestor_table_amids_gist on ' || r.id || '.am_ancestor_tree using gist (amids);'; execute 'create index index_ancestor_table_amid on ' || r.id || '.am_ancestor_tree (amid);'; end loop; end $$
How to upgrade
Upgrade to 1.47
Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script