AAM-1189: Upgrade mongodb
AAM-1190: As an user I want of manually create a gap between the serial field value
AAM-1144: As a Starbas migrator I want to keep and continue with the legacy IDs I had in the old system to avoid printing new labels for all my archive units
AAM-1188: Selected language will be displayed in the archive manager
AAM-1183: Archive Manager Update to Angular 16
AAM-1178: Delegate Request context to async task executor
AAM-1181: Update ActiveMQ to use a maintained image
AAM-1045: Make MongoDB more reliable and optimize
AAM-1043: Clear temporary files using phantom queue
AAM-1189: Upgrade mongodb
AAM-1190: As an user I want of manually create a gap between the serial field value
AN-1799: Implementing Dynamic Requisition Type API in front end
AN-1791: Tslint to Eslint migration for Asta repository
AM-204: Jib container image with non-root user
AN-1783: Make it easier to build and test docker images locally
AN-1782: Requisition form in Asta 7 translations
AM-203: Documentation on grafana and prometheus setup
AN-1777: Update Ingest to Angular 16
AN-1776: Update Repository to Angular 16
AN-1774: Call asta requisition endpoints directly instead of webclients from asta7
AN-1773: Use direct repository calls from asta7 instead of webclient
AM-200: Modify bitbucket pipeline for am-essync and asta-repository
AM-197: Fix requisition WebClienConfig to communicate with docker container.
AN-1764: Generate Barcode for shelves using legacy id
AN-1763: Add legacy Id with auto increment value field to shelves
AN-1760: Batch create storage unit and items for all children from CRUD list
AM-192: Create JRE image or use third party JRE image
AN-1751: Azure storage account automation for ssl certificates installation
AN-1745: As an Asta 7 user I want to see the parent storage unit from Stykke on Mappe level to quickly identify where this Mappe is placed
AN-1737: Some files are missing after migrating from Asta 5 to Asta 7
AN-1726: Update Asta7 to Angular 16
AAM-1183: Archive Manager Update to Angular 16
AAM-1178: Delegate Request context to async task executor
AN-1717: Build slim docker image for requisition backend
AN-1715: Multi stage docker build for requisition backend
AN-1678: Import of GUI preferences is too strict and aborts when a field or entity is missing in the template
AAM-1181: Update ActiveMQ to use a maintained image
AN-1507: Migration script for the portal when upgrading to Asta 7
AN-1766: Improve creating backend docker image
AN-1394: Remove PrimeNG dependency (Remove)
AN-1393: Remove bootstrap dependency (Remove)
AN-1123: for filnavn field, the design should be consistent like other fields.
AAM-1045: Make MongoDB more reliable and optimize
AAM-1043: Clear temporary files using phantom queue
AAM-1188: Selected language will be displayed in the archive manager
AN-1792: Expand button is not showing if screening (90 or 80) applied.
AN-1790: Fix Item Format Edit Validation
AN-1788: User is not able to print labels on a starbas template; showing an error while printing.
AN-1786: Only showing first 20 racks from the repository(Repository end)
AN-1785: All the depot are not showing in the continuous space(Repository).
AN-1801: Keep getting the warning "Ingen mottatt fra relasjon funnet" when clicking Aksesjon
AN-1781: Fix data validation functionality in ISADG Fil
AN-1778: Error when trying to get item format for storage unit
AN-1769: Delete shortcut is enabled if the user don't have access to delete.
AN-1765: Getting negative values in the static count of a project.
AN-1732: Only showing first 20 racks from the repository(Asta 7 end)
AN-1664: Push the image and the text below for small labels a bit to the right
AN-1528: Gui-server is giving an error message while publishing digital files to portal.
AN-1482: Error message in the logs during rack printout
AN-1228: All the depot are not showing in the continuous space(Asta 7).
AN-1217: Front-end: while selecting a drop-down value (code table values), the focus should be on the search bar.
AN-1185: Unable to export large projects.
AAM-1144: As a Starbas migrator I want to keep and continue with the legacy IDs I had in the old system to avoid printing new labels for all my archive units
AN-1720: As a Asta 7 user I want to search for intervals in string fields
AN-1708: As an Asta7 user, I want to reduce the number of clicks required to print separator sheets
SQL Fixes:
#!/bin/bash set -e docker compose down if [ "$1" = "backup" ] then echo "Taking backup" docker volume create asta7_am-mongodbdata_backup docker run --rm -v asta7_am-mongodbdata:/from -v asta7_am-mongodbdata_backup:/to alpine ash -c "cd /from ; cp -av . /to" fi sed -i '417s/.*/ test: test $$(echo "rs.initiate().ok || rs.status().ok" | mongo -u $${MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME} -p $${MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD} --quiet) -eq 1/g' docker-compose.yml sed -i 's/MONGO_VERSION=6.0.8/MONGO_VERSION=4.2.3/g' .env docker compose up -d mongodb sleep 50 set +e docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand({shutdown : 1, force : true})" set -e sed -i 's/MONGO_VERSION=4.2.3/MONGO_VERSION=4.4/g' .env docker compose stop mongodb docker compose up -d mongodb sleep 50 docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"4.4\" } )" set +e docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand({shutdown : 1, force : true})" set -e sed -i 's/MONGO_VERSION=4.4/MONGO_VERSION=5.0.19/g' .env docker compose stop mongodb docker compose up -d mongodb sleep 50 docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"5.0\" } )" set +e docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand({shutdown : 1, force : true})" set -e sed -i "417s/.*/ test: echo 'db.runCommand\(\"ping\"\).ok' | mongosh -u \$\${MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME} -p \$\${MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD} --quiet/g" docker-compose.yml sed -i 's/MONGO_VERSION=5.0.19/MONGO_VERSION=6.0.8/g' .env docker compose stop mongodb docker compose up -d mongodb sleep 50 docker exec -it am-mongodb mongosh --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"6.0\" } )" docker compose up -d
How to upgrade:
Upgrade from 1.53 to 1.54
Warning: This upgrade requires CPU AVX instructions. Attempting to upgrade Asta7 without a CPU that supports AVX may lead to database corruption.
Upgrade to 1.54.0
Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script. If backup is necessary then run the following script with ./asta7-upgrade-1.54.sh backup
If backup is taken and everything works fine, delete the backup
docker volume rm asta7_am-mongodbdata_backup