AAM-1189: Upgrade mongodb
AAM-1190: As an user I want of manually create a gap between the serial field value
AAM-1144: As a Starbas migrator I want to keep and continue with the legacy IDs I had in the old system to avoid printing new labels for all my archive units
AAM-1188: Selected language will be displayed in the archive manager
AAM-1183: Archive Manager Update to Angular 16
AAM-1178: Delegate Request context to async task executor
AAM-1181: Update ActiveMQ to use a maintained image
AAM-1045: Make MongoDB more reliable and optimize
AAM-1043: Clear temporary files using phantom queue
AAM-1189: Upgrade mongodb
AAM-1190: As an user I want of manually create a gap between the serial field value
AN-1799: Implementing Dynamic Requisition Type API in front end
AN-1791: Tslint to Eslint migration for Asta repository
AN-1789: Preparation to meeting with København SA (Starbas) - Regarding requisition API
AM-204: Jib container image with non-root user
AN-1783: Make it easier to build and test docker images locally
AN-1782: Requisition form in Asta 7 translations
AM-203: Documentation on grafana and prometheus setup
AN-1777: Update Ingest to Angular 16
AN-1776: Update Repository to Angular 16
AN-1774: Call asta requisition endpoints directly instead of webclients from asta7
AN-1773: Use direct repository calls from asta7 instead of webclient
AM-200: Modify bitbucket pipeline for am-essync and asta-repository
AM-197: Fix requisition WebClienConfig to communicate with docker container.
AN-1764: Generate Barcode for shelves using legacy id
AN-1763: Add legacy Id with auto increment value field to shelves
AN-1760: Batch create storage unit and items for all children from CRUD list
AM-192: Create JRE image or use third party JRE image
AN-1751: Azure storage account automation for ssl certificates installation
AN-1746: Connection refused when trying to publish to try.arkivportalen.no
AN-1745: As an Asta 7 user I want to see the parent storage unit from Stykke on Mappe level to quickly identify where this Mappe is placed
AN-1737: Some files are missing after migrating from Asta 5 to Asta 7
AN-1726: Update Asta7 to Angular 16
AAM-1183: Archive Manager Update to Angular 16
AAM-1178: Delegate Request context to async task executor
AN-1717: Build slim docker image for requisition backend
AN-1715: Multi stage docker build for requisition backend
AN-1678: Import of GUI preferences is too strict and aborts when a field or entity is missing in the template
AAM-1181: Update ActiveMQ to use a maintained image
AN-1507: Migration script for the portal when upgrading to Asta 7
AN-1766: Improve creating backend docker image
AN-1394: Remove PrimeNG dependency (Remove)
AN-1393: Remove bootstrap dependency (Remove)
AN-1123: for filnavn field, the design should be consistent like other fields.
AAM-1045: Make MongoDB more reliable and optimize
AAM-1043: Clear temporary files using phantom queue
AAM-1188: Selected language will be displayed in the archive manager
AN-1792: Expand button is not showing if screening (90 or 80) applied.
AN-1790: Fix Item Format Edit Validation
AN-1788: User is not able to print labels on a starbas template; showing an error while printing.
AN-1786: Only showing first 20 racks from the repository(Repository end)
AN-1785: All the depot are not showing in the continuous space(Repository).
AN-1801: Keep getting the warning "Ingen mottatt fra relasjon funnet" when clicking Aksesjon
AN-1781: Fix data validation functionality in ISADG Fil
AN-1778: Error when trying to get item format for storage unit
AN-1769: Delete shortcut is enabled if the user don't have access to delete.
AN-1765: Getting negative values in the static count of a project.
AN-1732: Only showing first 20 racks from the repository(Asta 7 end)
AN-1664: Push the image and the text below for small labels a bit to the right
AN-1528: Gui-server is giving an error message while publishing digital files to portal.
AN-1482: Error message in the logs during rack printout
AN-1228: All the depot are not showing in the continuous space(Asta 7).
AN-1217: Front-end: while selecting a drop-down value (code table values), the focus should be on the search bar.
AN-1185: Unable to export large projects.
AAM-1144: As a Starbas migrator I want to keep and continue with the legacy IDs I had in the old system to avoid printing new labels for all my archive units
AN-1720: As a Asta 7 user I want to search for intervals in string fields
AN-1708: As an Asta7 user, I want to reduce the number of clicks required to print separator sheets
SQL Fixes:
docker compose down if [ "$1" = "backup" ] then echo "Taking backup" docker volume create asta7_am-mongodbdata_backup docker run --rm -v asta7_am-mongodbdata:/from -v asta7_am-mongodbdata_backup:/to alpine ash -c "cd /from ; cp -av . /to" fi sed -i '417s/.*/ test: test $$(echo "rs.initiate().ok || rs.status().ok" | mongo -u $${MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME} -p $${MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD} --quiet) -eq 1/g' docker-compose.yml sed -i 's/MONGO_VERSION=6.0.8/MONGO_VERSION=4.2.3/g' .env docker compose up -d mongodb sleep 50 set +e docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand({shutdown : 1, force : true})" set -e sed -i 's/MONGO_VERSION=4.2.3/MONGO_VERSION=4.4/g' .env docker compose stop mongodb docker compose up -d mongodb sleep 50 docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"4.4\" } )" set +e docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand({shutdown : 1, force : true})" set -e sed -i 's/MONGO_VERSION=4.4/MONGO_VERSION=5.0.19/g' .env docker compose stop mongodb docker compose up -d mongodb sleep 50 docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"5.0\" } )" set +e docker exec -it am-mongodb mongo --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand({shutdown : 1, force : true})" set -e git checkout docker-compose.yml sed -i 's/MONGO_VERSION=5.0.19/MONGO_VERSION=6.0.8/g' .env docker compose stop mongodb docker compose up -d mongodb sleep 50 docker exec -it am-mongodb mongosh --username admin --password admin --eval "db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: \"6.0\" } )" cd client npm i --legacy-peer-deps
How to upgrade:
Upgrade from 1.53 to 1.54
Upgrade to 1.54.0
Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script. If backup is necessary then run the following script with ./asta7-upgrade-1.54.sh backup
If backup is taken and everything works fine, delete the backup
docker volume rm asta7_am-mongodbdata_backup