- AAM-1152Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1165Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1152Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1156Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1151Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1151Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1163Getting issue details... STATUS
- AAM-1165Getting issue details... STATUS
Bug Fixes:
SQL Fixes:
1. For - AAM-1163Getting issue details... STATUS issue run the following sql fixes:
DO $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='field' and column_name='initial_value') THEN ALTER TABLE public.field DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS text_placeholder; ELSE IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='field' and column_name='text_placeholder') THEN ALTER TABLE public.field RENAME COLUMN text_placeholder TO initial_value; END IF; END IF; END $$;
How to upgrade:
Upgrade to 1.51
Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script