AAM-1043: Clear temporary files using phantom queue
AAM-1189: Upgrade mongodb MongoDB
AAM-1190: As an user, I want of to manually create a gap between the serial field value
Upgrade from 1.53 to 1.54
Warning: This upgrade requires CPU AVX instructions. Attempting to upgrade Asta7 without a CPU that supports AVX may lead to database corruption.
Download and extract Asta7 1.54.0
Go to the asta7 directory and run the following script . If backup is necessary then run the following script with ./asta7-upgrade-1.54.sh backup (Pass
as an argument for taking MongoDB volume backup)View file name asta7-upgrade-1.54.sh If the backup is taken and everything works fine, delete the backup volume
Code Block docker volume rm asta7_am-mongodbdata_backup