Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

System requirements

Memory: 8gb16GB

Disk space: 20gb 20GB (depending on archive size)

A CPU that supports AVX

Default credentials

Keycloak administration panel


username: admin, password: am

Predefined users in ASTA 7:

username: sys_admin, password: am,

username: test_user, password: am


Docker installed with docker-compose. Docker-compose is included with Windows and Mac installer by default, but not with Linux.

Docker: For a development or test environment, it is possible to use Docker Desktop. Follow the instructions for your operating system at:



For a server/production environment, we recommend Docker Engine with the Docker -compose (only for linux): Compose plug-in and Ubuntu LTS:



Data persistence

Please note that this setup is for demonstration purposes.
The data inserted will be removed if you remove the attached volumes. (docker - compose down -v)

If you want to stop the containers but keep your local changes only use docker - compose down.

This applies to all application data including security settings in keycloakKeycloak.


Access to the solution

Goto http://localhost/

Image Added

Project files

View file

View file

View file

asta7_*: Contains files to run the application and environment settings. (docker-compose.yml and .env)

templates: Contains templates to use with the application

arkiv: Archive for testing with digital documents.

Docker images

To access stiftelsen asta Stiftelsen Asta docker images you need to have a docker user with access granted. With this user you need to login to your local docker instance.

To login use log in using the command, and follow the instructions:

Code Block
docker login

Now images can be pulled automatically with docker-compose“docker compose”. Or manually saved to disk if needed in an offline environment.

(Optional) How to save images to an offline environment

From inside the unzipped MAL_* folder, where the docker-compose.yml file is placed.

First, pull all images:

Code Block
docker- compose pull

Then save all images pulled to tar files with:

Code Block
docker save imagename -o image.tar

Move all files to the offline environment and import them with:

Code Block
docker load -i image.tar


  1. Extract content from the asta7-* zip file and navigate inside.

  2. Open the .env file, and edit the variable COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME to the preferred name. Or leave at asta7.

  3. Run docker

-compose pull to get the latest docker image.
Code Block
docker-compose pull
  • Run docker-compose build to build necessary docker images

    Code Block
    docker-compose build
  • Run docker-compose up
    1. compose up -d in the terminal to start the project. This will create and start the necessary containers to run the archive manager. The

    1. '-

    1. d' flag indicates the detached mode.

      Code Block
    1.  compose up -d

    The started services can be viewed by running

    Code Block
    docker- compose ps

    The initialization process might take a minute or two to finish , when ready visit http://localhost

    For more details on what goes on in the initial process run docker - compose logsor docker - compose logs -f (follow/trace logs).


    In case Asta7 is running under a firewall you need to open port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS.


    For running, repository containers change COMPOSE_PROFILES in the .env file.

    Code Block

    Change REPOSITORY_URL in the .env file. For example

    Code Block

    Multiple profiles can be added using comma(,) as the separator

    Code Block


    For running, repository containers change COMPOSE_PROFILES in the .env file.

    Code Block

    Persisting ENV

    Unless this is a test environment, some of the values (ASTA7_URL, COMPOSE_PROFILES, etc.) in the .env file must be changed. Keeping these changes intact after every upgrade becomes a hassle. With the help of COMPOSE_ENV_FILES we can make things easier. Follow the below steps

    1. Create an additional env file in a suitable location with the environment variables that you want to change or add. For example here is an env file in the home directory (/home/ubuntu/.env.asta7) and its content

      Code Block
    2. Add an entry to the /etc/environment file

      Code Block
    3. Now exit the shell and enter again, that’s it the Asta7 should now keep your environment variable changes.

    A list of all the environment variables available in Asta7 can be found here ENV List of Asta 7 .

    Security configuration

    You now have a working solution, with the basic configuration. The basic configuration will only work on localhost, to add additional accepted addresses it must be configured. To add additional addresses follow the below procedure. Both ‘client' and ‘core’ need the same change.

    Go to the administration GUI of keycloak Keycloak our security solution on http://localhost:8081/auth/admin/ or simply use the link provided in Asta7.

    Image Added

    Here you can log in with the default admin user. Now go to clients in After logging in first change the realm from master to archive-manager

    Image Added

    Now select Clients from the left-hand menu under configure. On the resulting page, you will see all the clients in use as exemplified below.

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Click client and scroll down to Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins. Add http://target_host/* in Valid Redirect URIs and http://target_host in Web Origins.

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Repeat the same in the core client as well.

    Access to the solution

    Goto http://localhost/

    Image Removed


    Setup administrator email and password reset feature for users

    To enable user password reset you will need to enable forgot password option in realm login settings.

    In the Keycloak admin console go to Realm Setting > Login and enable forgot password feature.

    Image Added

    Next, you need to set up your email for Keycloak admin.

    For this first, ensure that the admin has an email address associated with the account. Go to Manage account > personal info from the admin dashboard and set your admin email.

    Image AddedImage AddedImage Added

    Next, set up an email service for Keycloak by going to Realm Settings > Email > Connection & Authentication. Make sure to use the administrator email that was set in the previous step.

    The email settings may vary based on the email service provider. A sample setting for Gmail is given below:

    Image Added

    Note that you may need to set up authentication passwords, or configure security settings on the email account you may be using.

    Afterward, make sure that the user requesting a password reset has an associated email account.

    Go to Users from the Keycloak admin dashboard and select the user.

    Image Added

    Now the user will be able to reset his/her password from the Asta 7 login page by clicking forgot password and entering their username/email.

    Image AddedImage Added

    Rotate The Keys

    You need to rotate/regenerate the public keys used to sign the tokens. In the Keycloak admin console go to Realm settings > Keys > Providers. Then click the Add provider button

    Image Added

    Add provider for aes-generated, res-generated, and hmac-generated. At last, delete the old providers.

    Extended session time setup

    In the Keycloak admin console go to Realm settings > Sessions and change the marked field to set up extended session idel and session max time limit.

    Image Added

    Go to Realm settings > Tokens and change the token lifetime.

    image-20250110-133826.pngImage Added

    Set Realm Display Name

    If you want to show a custom name on your Google authenticator or Free OTP app then follow the below step.

    Go to Realm Settings > General > Display name. Set Asta 7 as the display name and click the Save button. Next time, your provided Display name will be shown on Google Authenticator or the Free OTP app.

    Image Added

    OTP/Two-Factor Authentication


    In the Keycloak admin console go to Authentication > Flows, then select the browser flow

    Image Added

    Change the value for Browser - Conditional OTP to Required

    Image Added

    Then log in to Asta7 and scan the QR code using Google Authenticator or Free OTP app or enter the key in Google Authenticator or Free OTP app, after completing log in with username and password.

    After scanning put the OTP from the app and submit first time.

    Image Added

    The next time you need to put OTP from the authenticator application

    Image Added


    Set the value for Browser - Conditional OTP to Disabled

    Change User Credentials

    If needed change the sys_admin user credential by going to Users from the left menu. Then open the sys_admin user edit form and go to the Credentials tab. Here click the Reset password button for Password

    Image Added

    Put your desired password there and make sure to uncheck the Temporary option before resetting.

    HTTPS Configuration

    For HTTPS one of the following options can be used

    No HTTPS

    By default there is no HTTPS configuration present, so the solution will work without any further changes. But there is a catch here: it will only work for localhost or private IP addresses.

    In order to make it work for all external hosts, you have to change a configuration in Keycloak. Go to Realm Settings from the left-hand menu under Configure. Now open the General tab and change the Require SSL configuration to none. You have to make this change for both the Archive-manager and the Master realm.

    Image Added

    Direct HTTPS

    If you have SSL/TLS certificates and you want Asta7 to use them go through the following steps in the host machine running the Asta7 docker

    1. Create a directory with the name .asta7-ssl in the home directory of the user running the docker process. In Linux/Mac the location should be /home/<username>/.asta7-ssl and in Windows, it should be C:\Users\<username>\.asta7-ssl. If the root user is running the docker in Linux/Mac then the location of the directory should be /root/.asta7-ssl.

    2. Put the public-key certificate file (in case of a chained certificate this should be the fullchain file containing all the certificates) in the .asta7-ssl directory with the name certificate.actual_extension. For example, if the certificate file name is fullchain.pem then put it with the name certificate.pem.

    3. Put the private-key certificate file in the .asta7-ssl directory with the name certificate_key.actual_extension. For example, if the certificate file name is privkey.pem then put it with the name certificate_key.pem.

    4. Put the dh-parameters file in the .asta7-ssl directory with the name dhparam.actual_extension. For example, if the certificate file name is dhparam.pem then put it with the same name. The dh-parameters can be generated using the openssl tool. The following command can be used to generate a new set of 2048-bit dh-parameters

      Code Block
      openssl dhparam -out ~/.asta-ssl/dhparam.pem 2048

    The certificate files cannot be soft-linked. They have to be copied. The supported extensions for the certificate files are .pem, .crt, .key .

    1. To change the ownership of the .asta7-ssl folder to the currently logged-in user, run the following chown command:

      Code Block
      sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.asta7-ssl

      This command will recursively change the ownership of the folder and all its contents to match the logged-in user and their group. Remember to use sudo to execute the command as the superuser .


    If you want to use Letsencrypt for obtaining the certificate you can use the Standalone or the DNS plugins of Certbot for generating certificates.

    Letencrypt’s certificates are valid for 90 days. When the certificates are renewed, they have to be copied to the .asta7-ssl and the asta7 Nginx service needs to be reloaded if running. In Linux, the following script can be used to achieve that.

    Code Block
    cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ~/.asta7-ssl/certificate.pem
    cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ~/.asta7-ssl/certificate_key.pem
    docker exec gui-pt nginx -s reload

    HTTPS Using A Load Balancer/Reverse Proxy Server

    If you have a load balancer or reverse proxy server configured for HTTPS and want to serve Asta7 using it just pass all the requests to port 80 of the Asta7 host machine. Also, make sure that the X-Forwarded-Proto header is being appropriately set while passing requests to Asta7. Here is a sample Nginx configuration

    Code Block
    map $http_x_forwarded_proto $proxy_scheme {
        default $scheme;
        http http;
        https https;
    server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        server_name domain_name;
        return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        listen [::]:443 ssl;
        server_name domain_name;
        ssl_certificate /path/to/certificate_file;
        ssl_certificate_key /path/to/private_key_file;
        proxy_buffer_size 64k;
        proxy_buffers 8 64k;
        proxy_busy_buffers_size 64k;
        large_client_header_buffers 4 64k;
        client_max_body_size 0;
        location / {    
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_buffering off;
            proxy_request_buffering off;
            proxy_read_timeout 1d;
            proxy_connect_timeout 1d;
            proxy_send_timeout 1d;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $proxy_scheme;
            proxy_pass_request_headers on;
            proxy_pass http://proxy_ip_or_domain;


    Stop Running Asta7

    If you already have Asta7 running make sure to stop them.

    Code Block
    docker compose stop

    In case of updating to a significantly newer version, it is recommended to use the following

    Code Block
    docker compose down

    Update and Run

    Unzip the package and get into the unzipped directory.

    Code Block
    cd asta7-1.22.0

    Now run the following commands to update and run the package

    Code Block
    docker compose up -d

    Remove Old Directory

    If deployment was successful delete the old package and directory.

    Code Block
    rm -r asta7-old_version

    Add syndication URL for publishing to the portal

    Admin needs to provide the syndication_url to the .envfile. Then the user will be able to get the option for publishing the archive to the portal.

    Add nginx custom log to Data Disk

    To store user-related logs and API calls, we'll set up a Docker Compose volume. This links NGINX container logs to a designated folder on our data disk. This allows easy access and management of logs for debugging and analysis.

    1. create asta7_nginx_log folder in /data folder and change the ownership from root to user

    Code Block
    sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /data/asta7_nginx_log
    1. add a new docker host bind mount to store the log

    Code Block
          - ~/.asta7-ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl
          - /data/asta7_nginx_log:/var/log/nginx
    1. Need to rotate the log in the host machine

    Code Block
    sudo apt install logrotate
    sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/asta7
    /data/asta7_nginx_log/*.log {
            create 0640 ubuntu ubuntu
            su root adm
    # to spot our logrotate configuration
    sudo logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf --debug
    # to Test without waiting
    sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/asta7
    # in the "/data/asta7_nginx_log/" we will find backup file of the log and original file become empty

    Enable Azure Blob Storage Support

    Basic Setup and Configuration

    To enable Azure blob storage support, we first need an Azure account and retrieve the following credentials from the account:

    Azure Account Name
    Azure Account Key
    Azure Blob Storage Endpoint

    Alternatively, for local development use, we can use Azurite docker image. Set the following properties in the .env file

    Code Block

    Additionally, for Azurite we need to set the following property in the .env file


    Finally, to enable Azure we need to set the following property in .env


    Determining the Blob Storage Endpoint from the Connection String

    Sometimes instead of getting a blob endpoint, we may get a connection string instead. Here is a sample of a connection string:


    A blob endpoint based on this connection string may look like this


    Using Azure Storage Explorer to validate

    After the setup, Azure Blob storage will be functional. To verify and explore the Azure blob storage, we can setup and use

    Azure Storage Explorer

    For Azurite we should use the local storage emulator option, for Azure, we can use the connect to Azure storage option.

    For both cases we will need the account name, account key, and endpoint/connection string we discussed above.