AN-2396 R&D on how to sync the change events from Azure BLOB storage
AN-2549 Delete user from keycloak if we delete an organization.
AN-2560 Code refactor for Storage Unit and Storage Location on Asta7
AN-2589 Single archive import tool
AN-2615 Add locators for E2E
AN-2617 Support translations in the title field for all client
AN-2585 Storage unit not shown on synced units where we have mappe below serie
AN-2637 Correction to the template for Excel import
AN-2641 Exporting ISAD(G) archive lists to Word does not include the restriction(s) at archive level
AN-2642 Unable to remove FK reference that is nullable
AN-2647 Fix missing storageunit on the export archive Word document (arkivliste)
AN-2636 Repository StorageObejct Sync with different orphan type and improvements
AN-2286 Make notifications window more intuitive
AN-2564 R&D: Expanding a tree node breaks the UI at repository
AN-2592 Restrict Changes to Available Space, Total Space on Shelves, and Width of the Bay That Contains Storage Units or Locations
AN-2604 Unable to create storage unit item for new projects.
AN-2613 Repository sync by project admin fails when there are storage location from different projects
AN-2623 Splitter component breaks UI at repository client
AN-2632 All actors are published as "Person" when posting to Arkivportalen
AN-2633 All units are published with archive meduim "Paper"
Tasks with release note:
AN-2670 Run am-essync as non root user
Code Block docker exec -u root -it am-essync adduser -D -g "" asta docker exec -u root -it am-essync chown -R asta:asta /tmp/debezium
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How to upgrade:
Run following commands to run essync .
1. docker exec -u root -it am-essync adduser -D -g "" asta
2. docker exec -u root -it am-essync chown -R asta:asta /tmp/debezium
Stop the previously running Asta7
Code Block cd previous_asta7_directory docker compose down
Download and extract Asta7 1.72.0
Adjust the
file according to the previous oneRun Asta7 1.72.0
Code Block cd asta7-1.72.0 docker compose up -d
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