Bug fixes:
AN-2937 Missing Translation in search rule
Code Block Use latest ISAG template from develop to get the translations
AN-3019 SYNQ Related Default Data Creation on Requisition based on .env new flagCode Block Before docker compose up -d user need to do following things if SYNQ Requisition feature available. If SYNQ Requisition feature want to enable then please add a new variable called SYNQ_REQUISITION_ORGANIZATION on .env where value should be Organization ID
AN-3042 Display all columns of the same field for a nested entity path ensuring that fields belonging to the same entity at different levels are grouped together
Code Block Now In fragment if an user chooses navn of serie in the fragment setting and a serie under series comes in the result, only one navn comes in the result. We need to show the both keeping order.
AN-3041 As a Repository User I want to Identify Shelves containing more space that the total space via a color or warning So that I can perform some reconciliation on them.
Depending on data the upgrade script might take 10 - 20 minutes.
How to upgrade:
Stop the previously running Asta7
Code Block cd previous_asta7_directory docker compose down
Download and extract Asta7 1.80.0
Adjust the
file according to the previous oneRun Asta7 1.80.0
Code Block cd asta7-1.80.0 docker compose up -d
Re-index search data for all initialized projects
Sync the repository objects to get new QR label data properly.