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Table of Contents

Login (demo)

To open Asta 7 go to the web address provided by your system administrator or use our demo to explore the system at the address You can log in using your credentials.


You can select the Edit option from the context menu to ope the Edit Dialog for a project or the Content Edit tab for an archive unit.


  1. This item, exports only the current archive unit

  2. Including all siblings, export the current archive unit and all its siblings

  3. Including ENTITY_NAME siblings, exports the current archive unit and the siblings of the same entity


Create archive units

In the image below are three different, three different navigation options are marked in blue.


The top marks the tabs that are open in the application. It is possible to open all archive units in separate tabs. Unless otherwise selected, an archive unit will open in the current tab.

Sti (Breadcrumbs)

The path (blue rectangle number two) makes it possible to navigate to levels above this entity by clicking on the links.


The arrows in blue rectangle number three make it possible to navigate in archive units at the same level. Press high and left to go to the next or previous. It is also possible to go up one level by pressing the arrow in the middle.




Archive landing page

context menu of a node in the tree, you have the option to create archive units for all possible entity types. Clicking them will open the Content Create tab.


Project Landing tab

On the landing page for an archiveproject, you get a quick overview of the archiveproject. Currently, a the following information are available

  • A short description of the


  • project

  • Statistics on how many registrations you have per


  • entity type

  • List of the digital files with the option to Download or Delete them. It is also possible to Upload new files from here

  • List of change logs if enabled

In the longer term, the page will display the desired information about the archive project for necessary reporting. 




To applyopen the search tab, first press the magnifying glass marked in blue in the image below. Then enter the search text in the field where the image says "Pink" and press the line break or press the magnifying glass to the right of the search field.the search button from the main menu. It is possible to open multiple search tabs by selecting Open in new tab from the search button context menu.

Enter the query text in the search box and press Return/Enter or click the search icon button. The search result comes directly below the search field and you can now tap on a match to open it in detail view. If you want to save the search result, you can press "Open in new tab" and thus move the search result to a tab while clearing space for a new search in the search field.



Add archive unit

First navigate in the archive tree of the parent entity of the new entity, right-click on it and select archive type from the context menu. Only the archive types that are valid for this level are displayed in the menu. See the picture below where the possible options are New FOLDER, New PIECE and New SERIES.


 Content Detail tab.

You will also get some filtering option on the left side of the search result. Currently is is possible to filter using projects and entities. 
